We finally went in for Emma's MRI a couple weeks ago. It was only a six month wait, which I hear is actually pretty good for an MRI. The whole thing was quite a bit more traumatic than I thought it would be. Beforehand I explained to Emma how she would get a small needle put in her hand where the doctor would give her some medicine to make her sleep. Then they would take a picture of her brain and then she would wake up and we would go to McDonald's. Even though she didn't fully comprehend what was going to happen or why, she had a good idea of what was going to happen and was actually excited about it. She's come to enjoy going to the doctor and even shows us how tough she is for needles and blood tests. She's quite proud that she doesn't cry anymore. The last time I went in for a blood test, she was actually disappointed she wasn't getting one (weird kid!)
So, as I mentioned, she was very excited....until we got there. It was all good when we were changing her into her hospital clothes and the doctor came and explained the procedure for us. However, once it was time for Emma to jump up on a stretcher and was suddenly surrounded by three health care workers, she started to panic. They all made such a big fuss, trying to distract Emma with conversation as they tried to put in the IV. They swarmed around her, ready to pounce at the first sign of her trying to take off. It was quite frustrating to watch as Emma started crying. I knew if there was just one person there to put in the IV and they would just shut up instead of asking her a hundred questions she would have been fine. Finally they let me come in for a hug, but she couldn't be consoled. She was far too scared.
It didn't take long for the drugs to take effect. I don't know if anyone else out there has seen their kids be put out, but it's a little scary! From sitting up, crying uncontrollably to a deadening of the eyes and falling over in a matter of seconds. When she fell over, even though they were empty, her eyes were still open and she was still kicking and fighting uncontrollably. I so wanted to stay with her and make sure everything would go ok, but the nurses insisted I leave and assured me that all of Emma's flailing about was actually a sign that she was sleeping very well. Not at all comforting! I made a mad dash for the washroom so the others in the waiting room wouldn't see my tears spilling over.
The actual MRI didn't take long. It was about fifteen minutes later when they came to get me to tell me Emma was awake. I went in fully expecting to see what I see when Emma wakes up every morning...her happy smiling face. I thought she would be happy that she was all done and excited to leave. I should have known better. Like, duh, she's all drugged up! I came in to find her in a drunken stupor. She was still flailing about uncontrollably and crying non-stop. Still not able to console her, the nurses had me carry her to a private recovery area for the drugs to wear off a little. The next half hour was filled with drama and tears. But soon the drugs were wearing off and Emma asked about McDonald's....that's my girl!
Two days later we got the results. Everything was normal. Figures. Not that I was hoping we would find something wrong. Just wish we could have some clue as to why Emma is the way she is. Now we wait for our referral to a specialized developmental clinic. We're told possibly July for those tests to start. We're hoping to get something on the go before next school year so we might have some insight as to help Emma more. Or possibly qualify for even more help at school.
As far as school is concerned, we have registered Emma in a new school for next year. At this point, she qualifies for division programming. This means she will be pulled out of regular class for reading and math, which will be taught in a smaller classroom with more teachers. Last year the division class had ten kids with three teachers. They will make up a specialized program for Emma, rather than teaching her regular cirriculum. We've heard fantastic things about this program from others. Our only concern is the kids in the class who are a little more behaviourally challenged. We're hoping Emma doesn't pick up any negative behaviours.
We're also in the process of getting Emma registered in an emotional and behavioural outreach program that the school offers. Basically it's for kids who are having social issues. They meet as a group at the school with an outreach worker who teaches them about how to be a good friend and how to treat others. We're hoping this will help Emma with some of the social struggles she's been facing at school this year.
I can't believe another school year is coming to an end! Tomorrow, June 17, will be exactly two years since the day we left Canada for Ukraine. How things have changed since then...especially Emma! Here's a pic taken a couple weeks ago:
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